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Webflow Site


At Veza Digital, we live by the motto: collaboration fuels innovation. When Hyperquake Design Agency approached us to co-create their new website, we knew we were in for anexciting journey together.

Hyperquake loves bringing big dreams to life. They specialize in creating strong brands and unforgettable experiences. 

From brainstorming innovative ideas to revamping established brands, they're all about making visions a reality. 

With a client roster that includes big names like Google, Nike, and Procter & Gamble, they're no strangers to tackling projects of all sizes. 

But like all innovators, their team knew it was time for a new take on things.

The Kick-Off To Collaboration

The Hyperquake team came to us with a need for a complete website redesign. Their old website was confusing to navigate, hard to understand, and not aligned with their new brand. 

For the client, it marked a complete transformation in their online presence. They shifted from a confusing and scattered image to a clean, sleek, and contemporary brand.

From our perspective, collaborating with a design agency of such caliber, with two primary designers on their side and David our Design Director leading our team was something we haven’t done.

Our task had three main objectives: optimizing navigation for enhanced user experience, reimagining the brand's storytelling within the framework of provided guidelines, and executing a comprehensive website redesign aligned with those directives.

During the kickoff call, Michael, one of Veza’s finest Growth Partners,  set the tone of the project to be a "spirit of collaboration" as the guiding ethos for the project. With David bringing his wealth of experience to the table, our team brought considerable strength to the collaboration. 

However, we also recognized and valued the significant expertise and experience of the Hyperquake team.

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Breaking Boundaries With Unique Solutions

Like many of our projects, clients approach us seeking solutions, craving both creative innovation and fast delivery. Jimmy, our project operations manager, shared insights from his experience on this project.

The project unfolded in two distinct phases, each presenting its own set of challenges and triumphs. Initially, we tackled designing and developing a teaser page, like a trailer for the upcoming new website. 

This phase progressed smoothly, with the teams collaboratively defining the design direction. While there were some back-and-forth discussions and compromises on the appearance of the landing page, the team ultimately created an impressive teaser page, signaling the arrival of the new website.

What seemed straightforward in design and posed unforeseen challenges during development. Despite the widespread appreciation for the page's sleek simplicity and fluid animations, executing these elements proved far more complex than anticipated. 

Even our developers, initially optimistic about the task, soon realized the intricacies in bringing the collaborative design vision to life. With the client's timeline compressed, our team faced a race against the clock. What was originally planned to unfold over weeks now demanded completion in mere days.

Our developers were experimenting a lot with how to make that flow work. After some design changes, and some more collaborative compromise, our team tackled that mission too. Finally, the page went live. 

While the animation might not have achieved the initially envisioned coolness the redesign hit it out of the park, the resulting landing page boasted a commendable blend of smooth, modern, minimalist design—a style that would set the tone for the entirety of the website.

After that came the second phase which was of course building their actual website.  About a week later the client dropped a new update, that we need to get the site launched on May 1st. 

That was a hard deadline as we had not even started development. 

This didn't pose as much of a challenge for our team as we thought, until somewhere near the end when the client needed to cut the project length by 2 weeks, leaving us with just a week and a half to finish 2 more pages and a complex case study CMS template we were building for them. 

Instead of being a template design, each Case Study was unique. Meaning it broke the rules of Webflow. To meet the deadline we had to lean on the client to compromise their designs and allow for a standardized template. 

We worked down to the wire to get it done. Even up until the launch, there were issues regarding Case Studies. To the point that hours before launch we were still working. The Director of Partnerships at Veza Digital stepped in and got everyone working on the project to make it to the finish line.

Even though the time was short our team still managed to finish the website with all the necessities for going live.

As the launch has been completed, we have officially entered the post-launch phase of the project. We are currently working on finalizing a few points of pre-launch validation feedback and re-working the case studies to align with the client’s original plan.

We are continuing our collaboration with the Hyperquake team, aiming to convert them into a Growth Client. This ongoing partnership will involve providing SEO, web maintenance, design, and development services.

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The Hyperquake project exceeded expectations, from unbelievable animation and a new brand image the site is a showstopper.

The Hyperquake team is beyond pleased with the amount of work we put in and our consistent willingness to pivot our strategy and commitment to ensure their goals were met, to rebrand and create a stunning marketing website that represents the company in every aspect and take its clients on a smooth but exciting journey.

Collaboration isn't just a means to an end — it's the catalyst for transformation. And as Veza Digital continues to push the boundaries of innovation, we do so hand in hand, creating new paths and shaping the future together.

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“This project was a blend of our creative genius and the client's vision. Challenges only fuel our passion, especially when collaborating with such a talented team. Despite the challenges, this project is setting the tone for our future. We absolutely crushed it.”

Jimmy Janjic - Project Operations Manager at Veza Digital

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